Device Review / Usage The 430e is a great device for taking in larger quantities of sensors from different devices
Device Review / Usage The 430e is a great device for taking in larger quantities of sensors from different devices. On one of our projects we are using it to bring in 90 inputs across 3 of the 430e devices on a single site and it is working very well. The API was easy to write connectors to and we are easily using 3rd party software to monitor the sensors. The only feature I would like to see added is adding the ability to inject the voltage into the input device that is required to trip the relay. On each bank I would like to be able to select within the GUI if there is voltage present from the source or if I would like voltage sent via the common. If this could be done I would be able to significantly reduce my wiring density and necessity for jumpers everywhere to accommodate this need. For example, if I am monitoring a specific sensor that provides a dry contact I currently need to connect a power source to the contact and ground the common of the I/O bank I am sensing from. PoE power would also be a nice feature but there may be power restrictions there, PoE+ may be a solution for that though. 4 Stars, adding those feature would bring it to an exceptional 5 stars!