Crosswell Elementary STEM Club Visits Sealevel Systems Inc.

Crosswell Elementary S.T.E.M. Club visited Sealevel Systems Inc. on Wednesday, April 30, for their monthly After School Outing. The After School Outing is an ongoing program throughout the school year and provides STEM Club students in grades 3 through 5 the opportunity to focus on the areas of teamwork, robotics, public professionalism, research, and developing solutions to real world problems.
While at Sealevel Systems, the students learned Sealevel manufactures more than 350 innovative, reliable hardware and software products to enable computer connectivity and control. The visit included insight into how Sealevel develops products from a creative concept to a finished product, a tour of the facilities, and discussion with Bobby Richardson, Director of Operations. “Fostering the interests of the Crosswell Elementary students that are learning science, technology, engineering, and mathematics is a pleasure for us here at Sealevel,” Bobby said. “These are the core fundamentals that we look for and promote in our employees.”
“We very much appreciate Sealevel’s time and the support they have shown to Crosswell Elementary and to all the schools in Pickens County,” said 2013-2014 Teacher of the Year Kelley Ponder, who, along with colleagues Elizabeth Johnson and Heath Moore, advises the S.T.E.M. club. “I am a firm believer that the future career opportunities for our students begin with education and exposure at this early age. Sealevel and the MCPC (Manufacturers Caring for Pickens County) planted seeds that I’m convinced will make a difference in their lives; their efforts are valuable and worthwhile.”