It’s All About Intelligence

Einstein had it in buckets. Isaac Newton was no dummy, nor are modern examples like Steven Hawking, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs. People who are smart often do well in their lives, and are remembered in history for their achievements. Sealevel is full of smart people. Tom, our CEO, developed circuitry which changed the way the world uses serial communications, and he built a successful company around it. During his younger years, Tony, our director of R&D, developed a robotic security guard that patrolled warehouses; he went on to write software for one of the world’s largest companies. Frank, our senior programmer, does things with ones and zeros that even Mr. Gates would struggle with. The list of smart folks here at Sealevel goes on and on, but you get the idea.
Sealevel’s products were always considered as peripheral. Customers looking for adding serial, digital or analog I/O look to Sealevel to solve problems—and we produce over 300 standard products which allow this to be done via ISA, PC/104, PCI, PCI Express, USB, Ethernet and even wireless interfaces. More latterly, we began integrating this technology with off-the-shelf computer products and creating intelligent systems such as the RMS-1000 and our Relio range of “Reliable IO” servers. The successes have come with Sealevel being able to fit lots of I/O points in a small, reliable package with a decision maker—a processor board. The key to all this working is how the hardware is instructed. As the saying goes, “behind every good man, there is a good woman”—hardware and software are the same. The result is that these solutions are worth their weight in gold when you consider the functionality they offer to our customers.
The latest masterpiece from our engineering stable was to integrate all of our I/O technology onto one platform. The processor, memory, flash and communications all working in harmony on one extended temperature printed circuit board—R9 please take a bow. With its fully supported Board Support Package (BSP—and by the way, it works unlike other “free” versions supplied with some SBCs), our Talos framework, and hardware specialization service, it means we can customize the hardware and software to make it fit the requirement perfectly—I believe this is the future for Sealevel. And at the rate at which we’ve successfully implemented versions of the R9 into customer applications, Sealevel will continue to grow faster, smarter and stronger as it’s done consistently over the last 24 years. We’re already using the R9 in such a wide variety of applications with customers requesting interesting features such as Power Over Ethernet, ZigBee, GPRS, and Multifunction Vehicle Bus (MVB) that soon we hope to have a complete range of standard products offering a solution to almost any application you can think up.