Thankful Thursday: Meals on Wheels

While our products may be used across the nation and world (even outer space), we humbly acknowledge the importance of our local framework. We hope to express our deep appreciation through a “month of giving” to Liberty, Pickens and Greenville area organizations.
This month, we are sponsoring five organizations particularly in need for the fall/winter season: Liberty Area Schools, Fostering Great Ideas, Pickens County Meals on Wheels and United Christian Ministries. This is the second profile as part of our “Thankful Thursday” series.
If you’re nearby and want to donate, feel free to bring your donations by our plant or deliver directly to these organizations. If getting gifts to these groups isn’t feasible for you, please join us in the spirit of philanthropy by giving to a local charity of your choice. Tag your donations with #monthofgiving and we’ll celebrate your generosity!
Pickens County Meals on Wheels
Donations: Binder Clips, Canned Goods, Crackers, Greeting Cards, Peanut Butter, Paper, Pens, Postage Stamps, Post Card Stamps, Raisins, Rice
Meals on Wheels is a healthy, compassionate volunteer-based meal delivery service to homebound and incapacitated individuals. The program hopes to end hunger, especially among the elderly, and ease the sense of isolation one might feel.
Our Director of Marketing, Katherine Elrod, has volunteered for MOW and has this to say about her experiences: “One of my favorite patrons was Ms. Maddie. Every time I visited her, she would offer me a butterscotch candy as a cure all. I noticed that she was regularly in need of lip balm and was delighted to find butterscotch-flavored balm to bring to her! She always appreciated the meal, but I think we both enjoyed those few minutes together even more.”
If we can send in donations that offset their costs – and bring more smiles to women like Ms. Maddie – then Sealevel is happy to sponsor Meals on Wheels this month.